Spaceport updates

An effort to establish a commercial spaceport at Cecil Field, a former Navy air base near Jacksonville, Florida, has taken a step forward with an FAA review of an environmental assessment. According to the Florida Times-Union article, “no major issues” came up during the review, although there were a number of unspecified issues that the local aviation authority, which operates Cecil Field, has to address, and doesn’t anticipate completing the spaceport licensing process until some time next year.

Meanwhile, in Oklahoma, they’re thinking big about the future role Spaceport Okahoma might play. Noting that there is a statue of an Irish immigrant to America in both an Irish seaport and Ellis Island, an op-ed in the Edmond (Okla.) Sun suggests:

Within the next several centuries, when colonization of other planets begins, there may be a similar monument situated at the Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority’s facility in Burns Flat in Washita County to commemorate those who left earth to begin new lives on other planets.

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