Simonyi’s suit

As Charles Simonyi prepares to his flight to the ISS in early April, he recently passed a major milestone: his own official spacesuit. “Being in my own spacesuit, which I’ll get to keep after the flight, is just an incredible experience,” he told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. He’s continuing his training with no problems. The article notes that “He’s continued posting photos and journals from his odyssey on his blog,” However, he hasn’t posted a blog entry there since January 22.

Simonyi also tells Reuters that he’s happy to take of mundane and even dirty jobs while he’s on the station. “I want to participate in activities, for example the toilet needs a lot of maintenance.” He’ll also bring his passport with him, and not just in case he makes an emergency landing outside Kazakhstan. “It’s … to get a stamp in it. Like a tourist wants to get a stamp in an exotic place, I think, I will have it stamped on the International Space Station.”

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