Bezos speaks (a little) about Blue Origin

It’s rare that Jeff Bezos speaks about his suborbital RLV startup, Blue Origin, adding to the secretive environment that surrounds the company. So it was a bit of a surprise to see the topic come up in an InformationWeeb interview with Bezos. He doesn’t say much about Blue Origin, and there are no real insights here, but at least he talks about it:

InformationWeek: I understand you’re also involved in a space startup, Blue Origin. Is there any reason beyond that fact that space exploration is just a great dream to have?

Bezos: I’m just now trying to think about how we could open up Blue Origin as a Web service. It’s not immediately clear to me. (Laughs) But if we can figure it out, we will.

InformationWeek: What’s in space for you?

Bezos: This is a childhood passion of mine. It’s a very talent team of people working on building a vertical takeoff, vertical landing, suborbital vehicle. It’s a separate company and they’re doing a fantastic job and I’m very proud of them.

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