Visiting Spaceport America

Wired News’ Jason Silverman pays a visit to Spaceport America, whose limited infrastructure “looks more John Ford than Jetsons.” Much of the article is about preparations for the New Mexico spaceport’s first launch. a UP Aerospace, including the installation of a hydraulic launch rail nicknamed “T Rex”. Things didn’t go smoothly, but after a little effort everything fit in place:

Finally, perhaps noting the approach of dinnertime, the crane operator hopped down from his cab and, using a sledgehammer and pieces of wood, began knocking the bolts a few sixteenths of an inch this way or that. Not exactly rocket science, but by nightfall, T Rex was securely bolted to the Spaceport’s launch pad.

Somehow I don’t think you’d be able to get away with that at the Cape or Vandenberg.

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