Inspection tour

The BBC reports that Virgin Galactic president Will Whitehorn is making an “informal” visit to RAF Lossiemouth, a Scottish air base that is being considered as a potential European spaceport for the space tourism company. Virgin Galactic has previously stated that they have considered northern Scotland as one of the few locations in Europe, from an airspace perspective, where such flights could operate; Virgin is also reportedly interested in Kiruna, Sweden, home to a sounding rocket launch facility. It’s not clear how a commercial space tourism operation could be integrated into an operational military air base; the web site for RAF Lossiemouth describes the base as “the largest and busiest fast-jet base in the Royal Air Force”.

1 comment to Inspection tour

  • I’m surprised noone has mentioned Glasgow Prestwick.

    It’s primarily a cargo airport but it has full facilities,
    it’s accessible via rail and motorway, it’s
    50 meters off the water for the main runway.

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