Former Microsoft exec to be a space tourist

The Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported Monday that Roskosmos has signed a contract for the next orbital space tourist to visit the ISS: former Microsoft executive Charles Simonyi. The Hungarian born Simonyi joined Microsoft in 1981 and oversaw development of some of the software giant’s most famous applications, Word and Excel. He left Microsoft […]

Rocketplane’s Japanese customer

Speaking of Rocketplane, I have an article about the company’s first microgravity research customer, a Japanese organization called HASTIC (Hokkaido Aerospace Science and Technology Incubation Center), in this week’s issue of The Space Review. This got a little attention back in February when HASTIC officials were honored by the Oklahoma legislature, but after talking with […]

Space Shot launches

By coincidence, the same day I planned to launch this new blog is the same day that Space Shot, the space tourism skill game, officially opened to the public. Space Shot, for those who have now been closely following its development, is an online skill game where contestants compete for a ride on Rocketplane Ltd.’s […]


For those of you who have wondered in from The Space Review or other locales, welcome to my new blog. Personal Spaceflight is devoted to the emerging space tourism industry (the blog takes its name from one of the alternative terms put forward for “space tourism”, although none seem to have the cachet of the […]

Sometimes a Spaceport isn’t a spaceport

For months attention (and a little bit of ridicule) has focused on plans in the Wisconsin State Legislature to create a state aerospace authority charged primary with developing a state spaceport for commercial spacecraft, such as in the lakeshore town of Sheboygan. The bill has passed both houses of the state legislature and is expected […]

Virgin Galactic, Space Adventures, and trash talking

There are several companies competing in the suborbital tourism market: Virgin Galactic, Rocketplane, Space Adventures, among others. By in large the companies have said little about each other in public, other than a few glittering generalities or, at worst, some very general dismissals of unnamed rivals. In the cover story of the latest issue of […]

Goldin: spaceflight is for “highly trained professionals”

An article in The Sunday Telegraph about Virgin Galactic and space tourism scores something of a coup: a quote from former NASA administrator Dan Goldin, who rarely talks to the press. Under Goldin’s leadership, as many readers may recall, NASA was staunchly opposed to the flight of Dennis Tito, the first space tourist to visit […]